Cult Festivals
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The Cult of life has many festivals throughout the year. Most festivals have some form of ritual attached to them. Unfortunately, most are closed to members of the public (some are even closed to Cult members who haven't crossed the threshold of the Inner Temple.

Here is a very brief description of some of the main Festivals in a typical year.




1st January New Year welcome festival.
14th February Valentine's Day Dance - where we make love to each other with a vengence. 
21st March Vernal Equinox - a celebretion where we wear robes of half black and half white, to signify the day and night being of equal lengths.
1st full moon of April Baptisms by Moonlight. 
May 1st Maypole erecting
May 2nd Maypole dancing
May 3rd  Maypole hugging followed by burning of the poles
June 21st Midsummer's Worship of the early morning sunrise followed by ritual symbolic sacrifice of a new member. Click here to see the Sacrifice the year I was the sacrifice.
July 12-19 Summer Camp
August 1 Woe unto us day. We beat each other with twigs, and make each other suffer in order to remind ourselves of the pains of the world.
September 21 Autumnal Equinox. The dance of the tree leaf temptress is performed, to remind us of the sins of the flesh that exist in this evil world.
October 31 Halloween. Tonight we dress up, and pretend to be children, in the hope that when we knock on doors we get asked in, and then we can announce the Pastor's words. Double points are given for recruits gained during this festival.
First Monday after the First New Moon Festival of the Wild Pastor. Tonight, the Pastor lets go of his inner anguish, and he beats the Priests of the Inner Temple. we mere cultees pay for tickets to see this, as sometimes the Inner Temple Priests can be very cruel, and we like to see them suffer.