Pastor Jack
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Pastor Jack

All hail the Pastor.

Pastor Jack is the leader of the Cult of Life. He saves souls, and allows pitiful pathetic sinners to redeem their wasted lives. His church - the Church of Life (incorporating Pastor Jack Enterprises Ltd) has over 300 members.

Members are all former sinners. Only sinners can join, and all sinners must renounce their vices in order to pass through the cleansing portal.

This sounds difficult, but Pastor Jack makes it easy for us. He takes our sins from us, and adopts these as his own. Only Pastor Jack is strong enough to face up to the devil and he smokes, drinks and copulates on our behalf. He makes this sacrifice in order to save our souls, knowing that he risks his own place in the hereafter life by doing so.

As members of the Cult of Life, we:

  • organise soup kitchens

  • sell our newspaper (The Cult Cry) in pubs

  • wander the mean streets looking for lost souls

  • witness door-to-door

  • worship Pastor Jack

  • renounce our right to worldly gain

  • sing and dance

  • eat sticky buns and drink lemonade when we've been good.


Our main activity is to capture sinners and to take them along to the Church. At the Church, we present our catches to the congregation. Pastor Jack stands at his podium, and delivers his verdict on the sinner. For example, to a middle aged business man, he recently declared:
'Ye be a sinner, a fornicator and a whore master. Ye  be a drunk and ye think filthy thoughts of thy best friend's wife. Ye be damned lest I save you. I can save you for only half of your weekly income.'

He's a good man is Pastor Jack.


Pastor Jack at his dynamic best.


Cult Pictures

The Cult - the full story