Cult Part 2
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The Och Cult



I gazed upon Pastor Jack for the first time ever. 'What be you looking for?' I asked, panic in my heart. 'I search for fornicators, drunkards, whore-masters and other sinners,' said the Pastor. His voice was strong and masterful, yet I sensed serenity and tranquility in his voice. I was at once terrified and yet calm. 'Fornicators, drunkards, whore-masters and other sinners?' I replied.

'You've come to the right place, right place, come to the right place,' screeched Basil, and I cursed his honesty.



The pastor looked at me, and I looked at him. Basil looked at me looking at the Pastor, and then he looked at the Pastor looking at me.

'You are a sinner,' the Pastor said in a quietly strong voice. He pointed at me, and a glow of light appeared around his head. 'Sinner, me? I be not a sinner sir, no I be not.'

'Oh yes ye be,' interjected Basil and I cursed his vocal ability. 'Well, I've had my moments,' I admitted, trying to hide my carry-out bag under the bench.


'You have offended me, and you are a sinner. You must pay for your sins, of else you will suffer for all eternity. The ways of the flesh and the bottle are evil. You must hand over your sins and repent,' declared the Pastor.

'But, it be impossible for me to do that,' I offered by way of explanation for my state.

'It's impossible for you to continue in your filthy sinful ways,' he said. 'You will come with me.'

'Give us a kiss, give us a kiss,' screamed Basil, and I cursed his inopportune contribution to the conversation.



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