Brookie 23
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The Alternative Scripts


Episode 23 

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Scene 1 Opens with Sinbad, sitting on the loo, reading the Brookie Echo. Mick is in the bath.

Sinbad - I'm worried about things

Mick - Why?

Sinbad - I can't say Mick, I can't tell anyone

Mick - ok

Sinbad - but I didn't do it

Mick - you're beginning to sound like Luke Musgrove

(scene closes with a close up of Mick's plastic duck (not a metaphor))

Scene 2 - Bev's flat

Dave -' then he stabbed me in the leg, but Doctor Daz saved me life cause it's his job he's a doctor, and your mummy's taken me in to look after me till I'm well again

Josh - I'm only four, I can't take all of this in

Dave - here's a sweet. You can have it free, but after you've eaten it if you think you want anymore, I can supply 'em cheap.

Josh - yes! thanks uncle Dave

(Shelley appears)

Dave - Hi

Shelley - ye, hi

Josh - Look what uncle Dave gave me (he holds up a cellophane wrapped sweet)

Shelley (to Dave) - how could you?

Dave - one won't harm him, he won't become a sweet-head

(Bev arrives home.)

Bev - hi everyone, I'm back

Dave - c'm'ere till I give yer one

Shelley - honestly, heterosexuals! You're so disgusting, not that it bothers me I'm very open minded, long as you do it in private

(Scene closes with camera panning to Josh, who is just about to put the sweet into his mouth).

Scene 3 - the Corkery

Jimmy is still in bed, looking mad. Jackie is still doing housework around him , looking downtrodden. Kylie is sitting on the bottom of the bed sharpening her dagger against her granddad's toe nails.

Jackie - are yer gonna get up love? Only I need to go to work and I don't want Kylie being left alone in the kitchen making chips or playing at ready steady cook or anything

Jimmy - Oh woe is me

Jackie - I'll ger off them love. Be a good girl for grandpa

Kylie - I will grandma

(Jackie leaves)

Kylie - right you old reprobate, I'm making chips.

Jimmy - oh woe is me

Kylie - I'm only wee and even I know this storyline is going nowhere.

(Camera pans to the newly sharpened dagger, which Kylie wraps up in a dolly's pram blanket.)

Scene 4 The Rachel/Mike Abode

Scenes opens with Rachel filling her suitcase with all of her very large brassieres.

Rachel - and then me dad asked me into his bed

Baby Beth - gurgle

Rachel - and it was horrid. So I told me ma - your grandma - and me sister Beth, she was the dyke who you're named after, and they said that he'd have to go

Baby Beth - gurgle gurgle

Rachel - and they said, oh well we need to kill him good and dead. So they did with the bread knife, you know I can't cut open a bap to this day without seeing him.

Baby Beth - gurgle

Rachel - of course I didn't know about it at the time. Nobody tells me anything you know. I only found out when next door's drains blocked up and the plumbers dug me dad up - under the patio he was.

Baby Beth - gurgle

Rachel - so that's why I'm running away - men are no use, you can't trust em. Always after one thing. Mike, he's your daddy, he seduced me before you were born and told me to lie back and thick of England. Said I might even enjoy it. Well I didn't - you have no idea what men expect you to do between the sheets.

Baby Beth (getting bored) gurgle gurglue, boo hoo hoo

Rachel - Think of England indeed, it wasn't England he was thinking of that's for sure. Only part he was interested in was the Mersey Tunnel

Baby Beth <full floods of tears> bored and feeling neglected by this woman who's forever telling people that nobody ever tells her nothing. How Baby Beth wishes nobody would ever tell her anything either.

Scene 5 The Close

(Jacqui is wearing an anorak, and looking around the close. Memories come flooding to her, and in flashback we see her as a shell suit wearing scruff making money organising car boot sales. Next we see her as a bar owner making money, and working in a hairdressers making money. Following this we see her at Mike's graduation, selling the Echo Graduation Special making money. Next we see her giving birth to baby Harry with Max handing her a cheque as she gives the final push. Finally we see her looking through Nathan's bank statements)

Jacqui - (to herself) am I doingk the right thing? Money money money. Of course I am!

Scene 6 Rachel/Mike abode.

(Mike enters the bedroom to find Rachel packing)

Mike - what yer doing?

Rachel - I'm running away

Mike - but we're getting married in the morning

Rachel - you men, that's all you think about. You just want me married so you can use my body and turn into me dad and misuse me

Mike - look, have a word with Sinbad, he'll sort this out

Rachel - You've jumped a few pages of the script. This scene is supposed to go on for ages yet

Mike - the director cut that bit cause it's too boring

Rachel - no-one tells me nothing.

(Sinbad appears and Mike goes)

Sinbad - I didn't to it.

Rachel - did too. You groped up Andrew. You men are all the same.

Sinbad - trust me. Would I have buried your dad if I hadn't been trustworthy?

Rachel - No. I'm being illogical. But no-one ever tells me anything

Sinbad - well let's get you married. Mike's ok. A bit simple for marrying you, but his heart's in the right place

(Camera zooms in on book on top of Rachel's suitcase. It is called 'Running away for People who get told nothing' )

Music and credits.